铜门厂家浅谈其铜装饰加工 当前位置:网站首页 > 新闻资讯 > 公司动态
资讯编辑:本站原创 更新时间:2019-07-19 18:47:16 查看:21
铜装饰品包括铜屋顶、 铜幕墙、 铜门、 铜窗、 铜电梯以及各种铜制的家居品等。浙江铜门厂指出, 铜幕墙更是作为一种装饰性材料在建筑中使用, 是由结构框架与镶嵌铜板材 组成, 不承担主体结构载荷的建筑围护结构。创意街的三大盒形建筑分别为“飞 来石” 、 “天堂火”和“琉璃水坊” 。
Copper decorations include copper roofs, curtain walls, doors, windows, elevators and various copper household products. Zhejiang Tongmen Factory pointed out that the copper curtain wall is used in buildings as a decorative material, which is composed of structural frame and inlaid copper plate, and does not bear the main structural load of the building envelope structure. The three box-shaped buildings of Creative Street are "Flying Stone", "Heaven Fire" and "Liulishuifang".
这些建筑的二楼都是铜幕墙,并随意穿插了 矩形的玻璃窗,由倾斜的钢柱支撑,一楼全部安装了透明的玻璃幕墙。这些现代 雕塑般的建筑,自成一个整体,以原铜色、暗棕色和翠绿色三种铜材料装饰外墙 的建筑分布在河边, 与河边环境和谐配合。而接近于路边梧桐树颜色的原棕色铜 板材更是第一次在中国使用。 应用了预处理的铜幕墙系统, 对于维护的要求不高, 同时在阳光、雨水等环境因素和时间都会影响氧化的过程,色彩亦相应变化,正 如当地的梧桐树在每个季节色彩会有变化。根据估算,在约 10 年后,所有原铜 色、暗棕色铜幕墙将慢慢变成翠绿色,成为真正“有生命的建筑” 。 铜装饰是一种量身定做的产品。
The second floor of these buildings are all copper curtain walls with rectangular glass windows, supported by inclined steel columns, and transparent glass curtain walls are installed on the first floor. These modern sculpture-like buildings, as a whole, decorated with original copper, dark brown and emerald green three kinds of copper materials, distribute along the riverside and coordinate harmoniously with the riverside environment. The original brown copper sheet, which is close to the color of the parasol tree, is used for the first time in China. The application of pretreated copper curtain wall system does not require high maintenance. At the same time, environmental factors such as sunshine, rainwater and time will affect the oxidation process, and the color will change accordingly, just as the local plane tree color will change in each season. It is estimated that in about 10 years, all the original copper and dark brown copper curtain walls will gradually become turquoise green and become truly "living buildings". Copper decoration is a custom-made product.
In the process of copper decoration processing, we should pay special attention to the following points - copper door manufacturers to tell you:
(1) Welding technology:
(1) 、 焊接质量的好坏直接影响装配质量,因此在构件安装时,要严格控 制焊接处的间隙, 错边等误差, 经安装装配后的焊接节点须经专人检查合格后才 能交焊工施焊。
(1) Welding quality directly affects the assembly quality. Therefore, in component installation, it is necessary to strictly control the gaps and errors such as staggered edges. After installation and assembly, the welded joints must be inspected and qualified by a specialist before they can be welded by the welder.
(2) 、焊接前的准备工作:
(2) Preparations before welding:
a、装配好的焊接节点专人检查后 交于焊工施焊;
A. The assembled welded joints are inspected by a special person and handed over to the welder for welding.
B. Check the safety and reliability of the scaffolding of the welding position.
c、清理焊接坡口 区,将经烘焙的焊条用保温筒带至现场焊接地点。
C. Clean up the welding groove area and bring the baked electrode to the spot welding site with insulating barrel.
(3) 、焊接工作 a、为避免 焊接变形,焊接时采用对称焊接(包含对焊、立焊、斜焊) ;b、焊接过程中逐道 焊缝清渣,除飞溅物,发现缺陷及时用角向砂轮打磨,除去缺陷;c、焊接工作 结束,将焊缝区及焊接工作位臵场地清理干净,转移到下一焊接节点。
(3) Welding work a. In order to avoid welding distortion, symmetrical welding (including butt welding, vertical welding and oblique welding) is used in welding; B. Slag removal of weld seam one by one during welding process, spatter removal, timely grinding with angular grinding wheel to remove defects; C. After welding work, weld zone and welding working site are cleared. Clean up and transfer to the next welded joint.
(4) 、 焊后检查
(4) Post-weld inspection
a、待焊缝冷却后,进行焊缝外观检查;b、焊缝中不得有裂缝,焊缝金 属与母材间完全熔合,所有破口均被填满;
(a) After the weld is cooled, the appearance of the weld shall be inspected; b) There shall be no cracks in the weld, and the weld metal and base metal shall be completely fused, and all the cracks shall be filled;
(二) 、表面处理工艺
(2) Surface treatment technology
1、除油、除锈除氧化皮——水洗——酸洗抛光——水洗——中和——水洗 ——着色处理——水洗——干燥及其它后处理
1. Oil removal, rust removal and oxide skin removal - water washing - acid washing polishing - water washing - neutralization - water washing - coloring treatment - water washing - drying and other post-treatment
2、 酸洗抛光推荐使用铜材酸洗抛 光液进行处理。目的是使黄铜表面具有光泽。
2. Copper pickling polishing fluid is recommended for acid pickling polishing. The purpose is to make the surface of brass glossy.
3、将工件浸泡于调配的铜发黑剂 中,2 分钟左右黄铜表面即变成黑青色,根据实验结果。浸泡时间为 20-25 分钟 时,表面变色****,可获得较好的防锈性能。工件可重复浸泡,增加变色层 厚度,可获得满意效果。
3. Immerse the workpiece in the blended copper blackening agent, and the brass surface will turn black and blue in about 2 minutes. According to the experimental results. When the soaking time is 20-25 minutes, the surface becomes discolored ** and better anti-rust performance can be obtained. The workpiece can be soaked repeatedly to increase the thickness of the chromotropic layer, and satisfactory results can be obtained.
**重要也是用户**关心的莫过于铜装饰(铜门十大品牌)的保养, 保养的时候应当注意以 下问题:
The maintenance of copper decoration (the top ten brands of copper door) is of great importance to users. The following issues should be paid attention to in maintenance:
1、由于水是铜装饰的危害者之一,空气湿度过大,会使其受到腐蚀,因而 就要特别注意要在干燥的环境中存放。
1. As water is one of the harmful elements of copper decoration, excessive humidity in the air will cause corrosion, so special attention should be paid to storage in a dry environment.
2、预防受到机械性损坏,相互间不应该彼此碰撞、不要叠压码放、对于细 工精制和容易损坏的,更加要小心维护。
2. Prevent mechanical damage, do not collide with each other, do not overlap codes, for refined and easily damaged, more careful maintenance.
3、要防御一些外界的有害化学物质,如:酸类、氯化物等,在移动铸铜装 饰时一定要戴棉制手套方可移动,以免手上的汗腐蚀。
3. To defend against harmful chemicals, such as acids and chlorides, cotton gloves must be worn when moving the decoration of cast copper so as to avoid sweat corrosion on the hands.
4、 进行清洁的时,要用干净而又柔软的布片来擦去灰尘,对于有些沟处不 易用布擦到的地方**用毛刷或是吸尘器来吹走灰尘。
4. When cleaning, clean and soft cloth should be used to wipe away the dust. For places where cloth is not easy to wipe in some ditches, brush or vacuum cleaner should be used to blow away the dust.
5、对于长时间经过摆放且出现暗哑现象的,擦试时不可大力用布擦,要用 棉质的细布轻轻擦试主要达到抛光的效果。
5. For those who have been placed for a long time and appear dumb phenomenon, the cloth should not be wiped vigorously during the wiping test. The cotton fine cloth should be wiped gently to achieve the polishing effect.


